
Jun. 05 2024

Spend ONE DAY of Fun! How to Enjoy Summer at Maruyama Park

Maruyama Park is a huge natural park, easily accessible from downtown Sapporo. With its beautiful scenery and diverse activities throughout the year, it’s the perfect summer destination. Here are four fantastic ways to make the most of Maruyama Park this summer!


1. Experience Japanese Traditional Culture | Hokkaido Shrine (北海道神宮)

Stood within Maruyama Park is Hokkaido Shrine, one of Hokkaido’s top power spots. Even in summer, the shrine's serene atmosphere is magnificent. Walk along the tree-lined path to the shrine and feel the coolness under the green canopy. In mid-June, the Sapporo Festival fills the shrine with mikoshi (portable shrine) parades, traditional dances, and food stalls.

Tip for Visiting the Shrine:

  • Purify your hands and mouth at the washstand to cleanse your spirit.
  • Toss a coin into the offertory box. 
    ※5 yen coins are popular as they symbolize good luck.
    (5 yen in Japanese ="goen", good fate in Japanese = "goen")
  • Ring the bell to announce your presence to the gods.
  • Bow twice.
  • Clap twice and make your wish.
  • Bow once more.

Following these steps, you'll deeply connect with Japanese tradition and spirituality.

2. Go Hiking | Maruyama Eighty-eight sites (円山八十八ケ所)

For a refreshing adventure, hike the trail to Maruyama Eighty-eight sites. The shady path keeps you cool and is an easy 40-minute trek, perfect for beginners. Along the way, you’ll encounter over 200 Jizo statues. Greet each one as you pass and feel a unique sense of peace and connection with nature.

3. Meet the Animals | Maruyama Zoo (円山動物園)

End your day with a visit to Maruyama Zoo. This expansive zoo is home to a variety of animals. Popular animals are the polar bears and red pandas, which can be seen up close.

Admission Fees:

  • Adults: 800 yen
  • High School Students: 400 yen
  • Junior High School Students and Younger: Free


Enjoy Summer at Maruyama Park! 

Maruyama Park in summer offers something for everyone—stunning nature, rich cultural experiences, and delightful animal encounters. Escape the summer heat in the park’s cool, shaded areas and enjoy a relaxing, fun-filled day. Plan your next day off at Maruyama Park for an unforgettable summer adventure!

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